


Vaccination information for patients based in Hong Kong

Numerous infective agents surrounding us every day, some of which are dangerous, or even deadly. Having vaccination can help us develop our immunity and protect us against certain diseases and their complications. Among different vaccines, the annual (seasonal) flu vaccine is generally more common to the public. However, vaccines like hepatitis, shingles, DPT, and pneumococcal maybe less concerned by the public.

Even though vaccinations are not legally required by the Hong Kong government, there is a standardised immunisation schedule that healthcare professionals follow. Below are vaccination recommendations based on the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection (CHP), Department of Health (DH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for your reference.


Why vaccination at Marina Medical clinic?

At Marina Medical, we believe in making our relationship with patients a mutually beneficial one and working as the patients’ partner to enhance the effectiveness of the health care process (details refer to patient charter).

Our Central clinic provides a full range of vaccines with complete vaccination services (including consultation, optional immunity level test, etc) with our general practitioner/ family medicine specialist. Patients may arrange a same-day appointment at your convenience.  

It is recommended to check with your doctor for specific recommendations based on your medical situation.


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The recommended age for receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine for both boys and girls is at age 9, Individuals through age 26 are recommended to have the HPV vaccination if not vaccinated already.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination
Currently, Marina Medical offers JN.1 COVID-19 vaccination. If you wish to receive vaccination, please visit the government website for online booking. For Selfpay, Marina Medical now offers Moderna Spikevax XBB COVID-19 vaccine for aged 12 or above.
Covid-19 Vaccination
Influenza viruses are always changing. Therefore, influenza vaccines are updated every year, and an annual vaccination is recommended.
Influenza Vaccination
It is recommended that children, starting from birth should receive different vaccines to protect them from various types of infectious diseases.
Childhood Vaccination
Singles vaccination could protect individual against shingles at least more than 50%. Even if patients develop shingles after vaccination, the duration is effectively shortened, chances for nerve pain (neuralgia) and degree of pain are reduced.
Shingles vaccination
Pneumococcal vaccine helps to protect people against pneumococcus infection. Learn about the side effects of the vaccine, the pneumococcal vaccine eligible group, different types of the pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13 vs PPSV23) and how is the vaccine administered.
Pneumococcal vaccination
Hepatitis A virus is spread by contaminated food or drink while Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with blood and other body fluids of an infected person. No treatment is now available for either virus, but vaccinations could prevent both.
Hepatitis Vaccination
It is important that the traveller makes a medical appointment to work out his or her schedule as every person has a different requirement on vaccines.
Travel Vaccination
General population need not receive all vaccinations, some vaccinations are for specific group of people to prevent the targeted diseases.
Recommended Vaccination

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