Pay Attention to Endometrial Cancer After Menopause

Source: AM730


Irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause may be a sign of disease. After menopause, there is usually no bleeding period. As long as there is bleeding, it is considered abnormal. However, women who take supplements related to female hormones and oestrogen frequently after menopause may also cause bleeding. Therefore, the causes of postmenopausal bleeding can vary. The most common ones are atrophic endometritis, senile vaginitis, and cervical polyps, but they can also be severe, such as endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancer. 


Uterine Abnormalities

Menopausal women are a high-risk group for endometrial cancer. Excessive stimulation of oestrogen is a common factor leading to endometrial cancer. Women who are obese, have early menstruation and late menopause (over 52 years old), or have never given birth should pay particular attention. Common abnormal symptoms include:

  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Abnormal bleeding such as heavy menstrual bleeding
  • persistent vaginal bleeding or red discharge
  • Anaemia
  • Faigue
  • Lower abdominal pain


Being aware of your health abnormalities, going to a doctor (and conducting a hysteroscopy or endometrial section if necessary), and getting treatment at an early stage will prevent further disease progression. Women with diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, and those who like red meat or fatty foods should be alert to vaginal bleeding.


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Women's Health: 50 years old and above

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